Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Smoothie Ninja

Kale-ginger smoothie: 
frozen kale + frozen ginger + store bought apple juice + kiwi + apple cider vinegar for cleansing benefits

Juicing is all the raves these days. From Austin to Asia, I see friends detoxing left and right. I have yet to commit to a deep system juice-only cleanse. I can already see myself fainting after hour 4 of my cleanse.
A few weeks ago I bought a Ninja food processor. I have always wanted the fancy Cuisinart food processor but I really don't want another big piece of equipment sitting on my small apartment kitchen counter. My friend had recommended the Ninja, I was skeptical on how much I was going to use it, but when I saw how small it is and the $20 price tag, I had to try it out.

This little food processor has been a dream, easy to use, little parts to clean up, perfect size for my needs. The first week after my purchase, I was making smoothie every day of the week for a solid week. Initially I just used whatever is in my fridge and adjust the portion accordingly. Knowing that I’ve had some antioxidants + fiber in my system before taking my first bite makes me feel good. I now hunt for smoothie ingredients on purpose when I grocery shop. At week 3, I’m proud to say that I am still making smoothie 3–4 times a week.

Banana-peach: frozen banana + peach (skin-on) + yogurt + milk

Here are the combinations I keep coming back to :

Kale-ginger smoothie (Excellent energy booster!)
frozen kale + frozen ginger (5 slices) + store bought apple juice + sometimes kiwi (optional frozen) + 1 t. apple cider vinegar for cleansing benefits (optional)

frozen banana + peach (skin-on) + yogurt + milk

Purple berries:
frozen blackberries + frozen blueberries + yogurt + milk + honey (1 t.)

Pink berries:
frozen strawberry + frozen raspberry + yogurt  + milk + honey

Purple berries: frozen blackberries + frozen blueberries + yogurt + milk + honey

For 1 serving, I use:

3/4 c. milk
2 T. yogurt {adds tanginess and brighten the flavor}
About 1 c. of fruits {The more fruits are frozen, the thicker the smoother. Adjust amount of fruits frozen to control consistency}

Powerful little Ninja.

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