Sunday, September 22, 2013

Breakfast (or teatime) at Tiffany's

Target dress // Jcrew viv bow flats (sold out, totally swooning over these suede ones) // Maybelline Red Revival Lipstick

I definitely had Audrey Hepburn in my mind when I was thinking of inspiration to put this outfit together. Well, she’s easily my all-time inspiration with her being one of the most timelessly beautiful and stylish women I know of. So I was on my way to work that morning, I received a work invitation titled “Breakfast at Tiffany's” at 3pm. I laughed. But why, did someone just read my mind?

Later that day, I found out that my coworker was just being diligent in following the prompt that Google calendar provides. When you create an event on Google cal, it gives you suggestion like “e.g. 7am Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, and he just creatively took the suggestion as is! How funny.

My serendipity with Tiffany did not end there. Later in the week, I received a thank you gift in the form of cookies....from Tiff’s treat. (If you haven’t had their cookies, you are missing out. They are dangerously buttery and rich.). I find it amazing how one little thought can lead to a series of seemingly related event. Next I just need to get to Tiffany for some shopping ;-)


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blistered Shishito Peppers

These days, I keep seeing Blistered Shishitos reoccuring on different restaurants' menu. Shishito is a Japanese pepper with a mild flavor, they are not spicy, but rumor has it that 1 in 10 (or 20) peppers is hot. I had these for the first time at Second Bar and Kitchen, and I cannot forget about these goodies!

I found these carried at Korean supermarket seasonally. They are incredibly easy to make. I follow this recipe. To improve on these, I think mine need to be even more blistered to bring out more charred flavor. These are incredibly addictive to snack on!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Striped-out weekend

Forever 21 sunglasses // Forever 21 dress (similar)// Kate Spade purse // H&M sandals

Besides polka dots, stripe is another pattern I can go back to indefinitely. The dress and the sandals were purchased years apart, yet I feel like they just belong to each other for a deliberately match-y outfit.
Work has been busy, I can't wait to get back to weekends like these with coffee + beignets!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


J.crew sweatshirt // Uniqlo jeans (similar by MNG) // H&M sandals

Sweatshirt is one of those casual tomboy-ish thing that I did’t gravitate towards. Lately I’ve discovered it’s the perfect opposites against frilly pieces. Granted, I do not have anything frilly going on, I think the floral pattern plays well on the sweatshirt. What could be better proof: floral pattern against an anchor—feminine vs. masculine—no rocket science here.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vintage emerald

Banana republic factory shift dress (old, similar in style 1, 2, 3), J.crew wedge (leather version), Kate Spade bag, Revlon white nail polish, Tissot watch

Having a Mad Men-inspired kind of day at work. Still rocking white (nail polish + watch) after labor day.  Speaking of, I came to know the saying “No white after labor day” after I came to the United States. The reason of this rule is more symbolic than these days. Here in Austin, summer temperature really does not go away until late October. So we won't just be rocking white, but sleeveless and sandals for a while.

Smoothie Ninja

Kale-ginger smoothie: 
frozen kale + frozen ginger + store bought apple juice + kiwi + apple cider vinegar for cleansing benefits

Juicing is all the raves these days. From Austin to Asia, I see friends detoxing left and right. I have yet to commit to a deep system juice-only cleanse. I can already see myself fainting after hour 4 of my cleanse.
A few weeks ago I bought a Ninja food processor. I have always wanted the fancy Cuisinart food processor but I really don't want another big piece of equipment sitting on my small apartment kitchen counter. My friend had recommended the Ninja, I was skeptical on how much I was going to use it, but when I saw how small it is and the $20 price tag, I had to try it out.

This little food processor has been a dream, easy to use, little parts to clean up, perfect size for my needs. The first week after my purchase, I was making smoothie every day of the week for a solid week. Initially I just used whatever is in my fridge and adjust the portion accordingly. Knowing that I’ve had some antioxidants + fiber in my system before taking my first bite makes me feel good. I now hunt for smoothie ingredients on purpose when I grocery shop. At week 3, I’m proud to say that I am still making smoothie 3–4 times a week.

Banana-peach: frozen banana + peach (skin-on) + yogurt + milk

Here are the combinations I keep coming back to :

Kale-ginger smoothie (Excellent energy booster!)
frozen kale + frozen ginger (5 slices) + store bought apple juice + sometimes kiwi (optional frozen) + 1 t. apple cider vinegar for cleansing benefits (optional)

frozen banana + peach (skin-on) + yogurt + milk

Purple berries:
frozen blackberries + frozen blueberries + yogurt + milk + honey (1 t.)

Pink berries:
frozen strawberry + frozen raspberry + yogurt  + milk + honey

Purple berries: frozen blackberries + frozen blueberries + yogurt + milk + honey

For 1 serving, I use:

3/4 c. milk
2 T. yogurt {adds tanginess and brighten the flavor}
About 1 c. of fruits {The more fruits are frozen, the thicker the smoother. Adjust amount of fruits frozen to control consistency}

Powerful little Ninja.